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I wanted to make a jewellery box to store my family’s jewellery. I wanted it to be small enough to fit on any indoor table and I’d also wanted it to be made strong enough to last for many years of use.
I chose to make a jewellery box as it’s a smaller project, which made all the aspects of construction more compact; the pieces were small and the details more intricate.
Creating a smaller project meant that I could purchase quality and expensive hardwoods and softwoods, instead of using radiata pine. Our storeroom also had lots of spare Jarrah from offcuts.
I started drawing my plans by hand and this helped to develop my ideas. I then modelled the project through Onshape and created exploded isometric assemblies to illustrate the complex internal joinery.
I undertook lots of testing to help develop my ideas for this project. I tested the router bit and experimented with different ways to complete the job. I also made and used a number of jigs for cutting and design.
I had originally planned for the drawers to be connected using rebate joints, but I switched to pin joints because they are stronger.
I made the back and sides of the box by milling the timber down to the correct thickness and using the dowel jig to create holes where required.
A CNC router was used to create the curved doors as it is a more reliable, accurate and much faster method than kerfing. I then laser-cut a native Canadian eagle on the side of the doors.
I had planned on using rebated butt hinges but later found some piano hinges that had a very smooth action. The brass paired very well with the shiny, dark Jarrah and the golden maple.
I used a finish made from three parts thinners, two parts estapol and one part tung oil. I applied a coat of oil after sanding.
I am very pleased with the outcome of this project.