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For my Year 12 HSC major project, I wanted to construct a desk that I could use for schoolwork as well as leisure activities such as video gaming. I wanted the design to be functional for a range of uses and be versatile for different needs that may arise in the future.
My desk features a large working area, so it is able to fit a monitor, keyboard and mouse, a desk lamp, and small stationary items.
I used the online 3D CAD modelling software, OnShape, to create 3D models of each piece of the project, as well as combining these to create final assemblies and isometric drawings.
I used Tasmanian Blackwood for the whole project as the uniform aesthetic and high polish (achieved through burnishing) is very pleasing.
I used domino joints which are extraordinarily strong, easy to make, and are suitable to use for the panels in my desktop. I also used dowel joints for the sub-frame of my desk.
Mortise and tenon joints are very strong and effective joints, and moderately difficult to make. Pairing the two together increased the difficulty of making the joint, but provided excellent strength when assembling my back legs to the back panel of my project. Half-lap joints are also strong joints and were used for joining my legs to the sub-frame assembly.
I finished the desk with multiple coats of Organoil Hard Burnishing Oil. This process deepens the grain and brings out a beautiful shade of the original timber.
Overall, I am very pleased and proud of the desk that I have created, and have thoroughly enjoyed the entire MDP process through both the ups and downs of COVID.
I intend to place the desk in my room or into an office/open space. I am glad that I managed to deliver an end product of which I am proud and will enjoy using for many years to come.